Content Marketing Strategies – Are You Making Any Gap With Them?

content Marketing

If content is the king of digital marketing, what should marketers do make sure their strategy is properly optimized? Filling in the gaps and spotting mistakes before they become unsolvable burdens is challenging. But it’s not something impossible to do if you pay attention. Writing great content and posting it on to your website is good for traffic, but it’s not enough to get you conversions. If you want your content to drive sales, you need a tactic that’s seamless, transparent, and at the same time efficient.

Content is directly proportioned with your target audience. It goes without saying that unless your readers are not properly categorized, your digital marketing strategy won’t succeed. Here are some guidelines to help you rethink and revamp your current approach in the hopes of boosting leads and transforming visitors into paying customers.


Every business is different, and even though there may be similarities between you and other companies out there, it is important to settle on crystal-clear goals before crafting a digital marketing campaign. There’s no point in writing content if you don’t know what you want. When you have an objective it becomes easier to justify a budget and begin a content marketing campaign.

Goals are different, and every organizations is at liberty to prioritize. If you’re just starting out, it’s best to focus on growing your audience on social channels such as Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter. Analyze them and decide which of these fit into your business model.

Target audience

It’s tough to populate your website with content that matter. Unless you have a targeted audience, you don’t stand a chance to make yourself stand out. Before starting to post a lot of articles and blog post on your site, you might want to spend some time getting to know the people who enter. How long do they stay on a page? What do they want to buy? How engaged do they feel to your social media pages? These questions can be easily answered when you do Analytics.

Google Analytics in particular, can work miracles. However the technicalities involved might be a little overwhelming. In this case, you need an experienced digital SEO to help you segment your audience and make sure the right content is sent to the right people. Additional tools such as Ubersuggest are extremely helpful, too. It can help settle on the best keywords that resonate with your audience, as well as understand the Google Keyword Planner.

Make a list and decide on the most relevant topics for your website

You may have an established audience for your business that includes people already interested in what you have to offer. However you are not advised to remain in a comfort zone. Aim higher and diversify and expand your audience. Focus on keeping existing users interested, but don’t ignore the newcomers. Give them a reason to like you as well. Experimenting with new topics is terrifying. What if my visitors won’t like what I have to share? What if they leave? What if my new posts gather negative feedback?

In digital marketing, there’s no such thing as “negative feedback”. It constructive criticism that you must learn from. Adapting your content and assessing what went wrong is part of the process. Mistakes are necessary because they help correct any wrong-doing.

Interacting with readers

Interacting with readers

A content marketing campaign doesn’t end with content publishing. There’s a lot more to publishing articles on a website than meets the eye. You have to pay close attention to content distribution too. Sharing your content on social media is equally important. Be active and present on Facebook or Twitter, and let your audience get to know the person behind the page. Answer their questions and comments, and invite them to participate in discussions.

Communication is fundamental in digital marketing. You can interact with your readers with a video or infographic. Make things visual too, and don’t just focus on writing articles and blog posts. GIFs have become extremely popular lately, and using them can make a huge difference. Some people love great content; others love great content with a twist translated into a picture, for example, to keep them engaged and eager to keep reading.

Diversified content

Another golden strategy is content is marketing is centered on diversified content. Now that your goals and objectives are in place, it’s time to get down to business. You’ve managed to hook a great audience and your articles are great. But it’s not enough. Don’t limit yourself to articles and consider offering something else so as to keep people interested for longer periods of time. A list of content types are work amazingly in content marketing:

  • e-books
  • webinars
  • how-tos
  • Top 10 lists
  • Giveaways
  • Infographics
  • Explainer videos

Of course, it all depends on your business’s niche. For example, if your core goal is to boost brand awareness, your content should have a broader appeal. You have to show the people that you’re an expert in your field, and that you’re open to helping everyone, not just your loyal customers.

In case your goal is merely to drive traffic and boost sales, it’s best to focus on easy content that’s easy to come across on search engines. An SEO optimized website or blog become fundamental. But then again, it’s not a good idea to stuff your content with keywords and forget all about quality.

Diversified content

Measuring the impact your digital campaign has on your audience help you spot and fix glitches before they become real problems. Facebook Page Insights, Google Analytics, Twitter Analytics, and others, should be included in your repertoire. Monitor your website’s performance with these tools, and find a way to stay organized. Whether you focus on ppc management London or you want to compel more people to buy your product, always remember that measuring the impact of your content can help you strategize. A well-thought strategy that combines dynamic blog post creation and proper optimization is the key to crafting the best digital marketing campaign for your business.